🏁 Maggio 2024: la Commissione EU ha dato il via libera ad un piano italiano da 600M€ per l'economia circolare delle aree costiere..
... per il quale proponiamo un progetto nell'ambito della mitilicoltura e recupero dei materiali naturali. La mitilicoltura rappresenta un'importante attività dell'acquacoltura italiana, con un impatto ambientale pressoché nullo e un ruolo chiave nella preservazione delle tradizioni e nello sviluppo socio-economico delle aree costiere. Tuttavia, la dispersione in mare delle attrezzature da pesca, come reti e retini di plastica, genera un problema di inquinamento e "ghost fishing". Allo stesso modo, il recupero di posidonie spiaggiate può dare impulso alla produzione di packaging innovativo e completamente riciclabile.
Questo progetto propone un approccio circolare per affrontare le sfide della mitilicoltura sostenibile attraverso due linee d'azione:
1 - Recupero e riciclo di reti e retini per la mitilicoltura:
Determinazione della composizione chimico-fisica dei materiali recuperati.
Separazione e riciclo dei materiali.
Rimozione di biofilm e residui di mitili.
Riutilizzo nella filiera di produzione di reti e retini.
Individuazione di filiere di riciclo industriali per i materiali non riciclabili.
2- Valorizzazione degli esoscheletri dei crostacei e delle posidonie spiaggiate:
Recupero di esoscheletri dall'eccesso di produzione del granchio blu, dai processi di muta e dai sottoprodotti di lavorazione.
Estrazione di polisaccaridi (chitosano) dai crostaceigranchio blu.
Sintesi di biopolimeri utilizzando chitosano e alginato di sodio estratto dalle posidonie.
Sviluppo di formulazioni a base di polimeri biodegradabili per reti sostenibili.
Utilizzo di tecnologie avanzate per il recupero e il riciclo delle reti e retini.
Estrazione di chitosano e alginato di sodio mediante un letto fluido ed esposizione alle microonde.
Sintesi di biopolimeri utilizzando tecniche sostenibili.
Produzione di bio-reti e altri materiali biodegradabili per un packaging innovativo.
Risultati attesi:
Riduzione dell'impatto ambientale della mitilicoltura.
Sviluppo di una filiera di riciclo efficiente per le reti e retini.
Valorizzazione degli scarti della pesca e dell'acquacoltura.
Produzione di bio-reti e altri materiali biodegradabili per la mitilicoltura.
Promozione di un modello di economia circolare nel settore della pesca e dell'acquacoltura.

🚩 Presentation at EDITH - Athens (GR)
April 2024: we briefly presented our application CancerMate at the EDITH repository and catalogue Meeting, part of the Virtual Humal Twin project brought forth by the Virtual Physiological Human Institute (VPHi), funded by the European Commission.
Here the portal of the VPHi: an international non-profit organisation incorporated in Belgium, whose mission is to ensure that the Virtual Physiological Human is fully realized, universally adopted, and effectively used both in research and clinic. Please browse about on our page where we briefly present its goals.
🚩 CancerMate - Mark I
March 2024: we are pleased to announce that the application CancerMate - Mark I (valid for quantitative assessment of triple negative breast cancer lesion after Lynparza neoadjuvant therapy) has been completed, and now ready for deployment in a clinical framework. The work is based on a publication with the Multidisciplinary Unit of Breast Pathology and Translational Research, Cremona Hospital, Italy.
Here you find the updated version of the User Manual posted.
All in all, please browse about CancerMate's site virtualcancercure.com.
🚩 Active Responsive Intelligent Aerodynamics (ARIA): the background
January 2023: The Challenge of Project PON ARIA starts its final phase. The Project studies and develops new integrated systems, based on the use of shape memory metal alloys (SMAs), capable of continuously and actively morphing the surfaces that affect the aerodynamics of vehicles. The aim is ...
... to obtain benefits in terms of car performance/handling and consumption/emissions from the use of SMAs to create active composites, capable of changing their shape when subjected to specific inputs in response to different operating conditions.
In some cases, in the recent past, segments of the car body were realized by means of discrete surfaces, such as retractable spoilers, flexible deflectors and movable flaps. These surfaces can attain few positions and require actuators providing the specific degree of freedom; however, weight and structure performance may affect their efficiency. The present project seeks for autonomous variation of the active surface, and in a continuous way.
Solution: SMAs represent such an alternative to externally-activated morphing surphaces in the automotive. A SMA wire or tape is generally able to respond to localized electricity-generated temperature increase by altering the intrinsic chemical-physical properties, hence its shape. Figure 1 and Figure 2 report two such cases, in which sandwich panels made by inserted SMA laminated sheets or wires are capable of withstanding reversible changes in shape morphing, thanks to the application of localized temperature variation. But for aerodynamic purposes such as the external automotive body, such segments (SMA + carrying polymer) are immersed in a flowing boundary layer, therefore structural design cannot be separated from thermo-fluid dynamics study.
Approach and Problem Statement: in the automotive sector, there are a variety of areas in which the ARIA technology could be exploited: front or rear trunk, front splitter, underbody flaps, mobile intake ducts, air grill shutter and rear diffuser are possible applications. It is also clear that a potential exists to combine all of these parts to make them work in synergy.
As structural design cannot be separated from thermo-fluid dynamics, we need to identify the fundamental problem of conjugate convective heat transfer to an active surface, that is, when a significant conduction contribution affects the overall heat transfer. In particular, the study develops from a plate embedding discrete structures subject to heat generation.
The body segmentis interested by a air flow building a boundary layer over it , depending on the relative geometric arrangement. The heat transfer is therefore conjugate in that it is intertwined across the fluid/solid interface. Additionally, the conductivity of the plate may undergo discrete step changes, both along the discrete geometry, and during morphing execution, depending on the thermosetting polymer properties, whereas latent heat also plays a role across the phase change operating temperature.
The first aim of this Research Unit is to calculate, for a multiplicity of driving factors, such conjugate heat transfer or the heat flux normal and along said interface. Moreover, the plate temperature has to be configured to perform the full shape morphing, as desired.
🚩 Active Responsive Intelligent Aerodynamics (ARIA): a 1st design option for the Embedded SMAs: Flow-Transversal SMAs
In the first Phase of this Project, a virtual experimental bench has been realized to enable the thermal design of a discretely-heated SMA sandwich segment. Particularly, flow-transversal SMAs are configured. To this end, a bundle of computational tools tools are being devised. In every tool ...
... a steady-state offset impinging jet is scrutinized that realizes a thermal contact with a variable-thickness plate, equipped with a number of discrete heat sources of variable size, depth and position relative to the impinged surface and the impinged region. Each tool refers to a specific governing parameter: emphasis is therefore placed on the heat transfer from the area bearing the active heating sectors and related design substrate target, and each tool allows to study a specific effect to heat transfer.
In the framework of the fluid dynamics, a Finite Element model incorporating the full Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes equations and the LowRe k-epsilon turbulence paradigm have been exploited. A grid independency procedure has been performed to identify the optimal computational mesh. The temperature distribution is computed in conjugate fashion by invoking the energy equation across the solid/fluid interface, eliminating the need for empirical heat transfer averaged coefficient evaluation. With this bundle, the thermal design can be initiated based on a full variable space exploration encompassing flow field (intensity and shape of the boundary layer) and target geometry (inherent discrete heating) and rheology (an essential concept in SMAs design). Maximum temperature values and loci in the segment, and heat flux distributions along the exposed surface can be finally quantified showing the dependence of thermal regime on such driving parameters.
In the present Mark 1 of First Phase Project, therefore, a sample polysilicon plate embedding 3 copper wire heaters is exposed to a typical automotive (air) speed. The governing parameters are: the jet inlet velocity, the jet inclination, to power provided to the heaters, the plate thickness, the downwind distance between the jet projection onto the plate and the first heater, the heater thickness, the heater flow-wise length, and the heater interdistance (see Figure above). In this phase, the spacial step change of conductivity is accounted for.
Each tool comprises 3 steps: a)input of the governing parameters, b)variation of the specific parameter at stake, and computation (RANS and energy equations), and c)plot of the flow and thermal fields (which can be inspected zooming at user's command, with the handle provided) and of the heat flux distribution along the solid/fluid interface, as for the maximum temperature in the plate and at interface (which are paramount for such thermal design).
So far, three tools have been prepared encompassing the effects of the (1) Heater Thickness, (2) Heater Interdistance, and (3) Downwind Distance.
🚩 Active Responsive Intelligent Aerodynamics (ARIA): a 2nd design option for the Embedded SMAs: Flow-Longitudinal SMAs
In the Second Phase of this Project, flow-longitudinal SMAs are configured. A relaxed steady-state flow field is allowed to get into thermal contact with a variable-thickness plate, equipped with a single flow-wise heat source of variable size and depth. In the spirit of enhanced intertwined transfer phenomena ...
... a Finite Element model incorporating the full RANS equations and the LowRe k-epsilon turbulence has been added in conjugate fashion to the energy equation across the solid/fluid interface and the fluid-structure interaction (FSI), incorporating a common SMA paradigm. With this model, the thermal design can be initiated based on a full variable space exploration encompassing flow field, target geometry, and rheology and thermal operation. Maximum temperature values and loci in the plate, and heat flux distributions along the exposed surface can be finally quantified showing the dependence of thermal regime on such driving parameters.
Therefor, in this Phase a sample polypropylene segment embedding a single NiTi wire heater (configured as a Lagoudas SMA) is exposed to a typical automotive air speed. Two cases are first explored: an isothermal problem (shown above), with no applied thermal power but with a tip force at plate's right end, to demonstrate the validity of the FSI computation in presence of large segment deformations; and an increasing thermal power problem, with no tip force (not shown here).
Beside the ability of the model to come up with realistic flow and temperature fields, the present study is focussed on the numerical stability problem, including the physical mesh deformation and remeshing options.
🏁 Partecipation at INNOLABS (Horizon2020) with project CAPTURE (CAncer Predictions for Therapy and drUg REposition)
September 2019: project CAPTURE was awarded the Seal of Proof of Excellence in the INNOLABS framework. As such, it was invited to present its results on virtual therapies of hepatocarcinomas in Oslo, Norway.
CAPTURE was a collaboration with Biovista Inc., Athens, Greece, selected for funding from the INNOLABS 2nd Open Call. The Acceleration Programme INNOLABS is one of the 13 project in the INNOSUP space, a Norwegian-led project www.innolabs.io/index.html, supported with 5MEur by Horizon 2020, with the objective to help deliver new products and services for healthcare.
CAPTURE participated in the "Augmented reality for personalized care: Bioinformatics and analysis software supporting precision and personalized medicine" category. INNOLABS combined competence and creativity across sectors to bring innovation into health care with the purpose of meeting its future challenges.
Thereafter, iBMB was been incubated by Campania Bioscience (CBIOS) - Naples, Italy. The results were published.
Based on the same technology, trials have been conducted (and published) for a common type of Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma, also. Below you find the animations for the extension and the cell density for two 60+ yrs-women in clinical retrospective, subject with appropriate chemo + immunotherapy (R-CHOP). We see the virtual volume of the lymphoma (and the cancer cells density) from the development of the initial wound, up to the therapy start time, and through complete remission. The simulation was validated with PET/CT diagnostic imaging, inserting known pharmacokinetics data, and assuming a given (initially unknown) effect of pharmacodynamics. IPIscore in these cases was 2. The project was in collaboration with the research oncological hospital IRCSS-CROB of Rionero, Italy.
🏁 Webinar presso Campus Macchia Romana - UniBAS
Giugno 2015: abbiamo culminato la nostra esperienza nell'ingegneria alimentare con l'ospitare l'evento COMSOL Multiphysics, durante il quale abbiamo presentato le relative attività di ricerca con le slide che possono essere scaricate qui.