"CFDNOVA: la CFD delle cose nuove" il sito istituzionale del Prof. G. Ruocco, PhD.
Questo sito riflette le mie attività: di seguito si riportano rispettivamente le pagine dello Spin-Off e Trasferimento tecnologico, della Didattica e della Ricerca; mentre nel menu in alto ci sono le Notizie ed Eventi che riguardano il mio gruppo.
This website reflects the activities carried out: info on Spin-Off, Teaching and Research follow down below, respectively; while the News and the Events about us are reported at top of the page.
Spin-off "initiatives for Bio-Materials Behaviour" iBMB Srls
iBMB Srls, among other engineering fields, deals with "research and development, production and marketing of innovative services ...
... and products in the biotechnology field." While working the the project POEM (Predictive Oncology via Engineering Modeling) we were rewarded a PROOF of EXCELLENCE by INNOLABS (a Horizon2020 cluster). That event changed completely our corporate vision.
We understood the fundamental process of business accelerating, which consisted in understanding the importance of what is essential apart from the idea itself. We gained a better understanding on business need and solution, intellectual property rights, market analysis, pricing, business plan, legal and financial aspects (cash flow, income, balance, etc.). In due time, we will also get to manage supply chain, human resources development and recruiting (hopefully).
We could start managing funding and investors, and learn how to execute correctly an operational plan. In the meanwhile, we grasped the central role of communication and networking and the importance of a strong sales strategy. At the end, we realized how long (and difficult) the way is to build a company from scratch.
The Spin-off was approved by the University of Basilicata in 2023; iBMB was incorporated in 2023, VAT ID 02156870764.
Its activity beginnning presently pending, iBMB Srls is going to be appointed (as per the Italian Law) as an Innovative Startup.
Email: ibmb4info@gmail.com, ibmbsrls@pec.it
Currently, the following 2 projects are being exploited by the Spin-off:...
VENC-SEA: the engineering processes leading to the Valorization of Extracted Natural Components from the SEA.
Chitin is a polysaccharide that is the primary component of crustacean exoskeletons.
Sodium alginate can be obtained from algae such as Sargassum and Posidonia.
The process of obtaining these valuable components typically involves several steps, including pre-treatment, demineralization, deproteinization, and decolorization. Pre-treatment is an important step in this process, as it involves the removal of proteins and other impurities from the natural substrate. This is typically accomplished through a combination of mechanical, chemical, and enzymatic methods, such as grinding, boiling, and the use of proteolytic enzymes. The goal is to break down the protein matrix of the exoskeleton and expose the chitin, which can then be processed into chitosan. Same can be done for the Sargassum or Posidonia algae to yield sodium alginate.
Pre-treatments can be optimized to ensure the highest yield and purity of these components, while realizing an environmentally sustainable process. This involves the use of different variables such as process temperature, pH, and enzyme concentration. In particular, we have realized a microwave-assisted extraction by using a fluidized bed to optimize exposure of subject material.
Resulting chitosan is suitable for a range of applications in fields such as biomedicine, agriculture, and materials science; while resulting alginate can be used as sustainable packaging film.
This project is brought forth in collaboration with the CNR-IPCB research institute of Pozzuoli, Naples (Italy), and the Consorzio Nazionale Italiano delle Biotecnologie, delle Metodologie dell’Acquacoltura e della Ricerca Ecocompatibile e Sostenibile "Biotecnomares" Cagliari (Italy).CancerMate: computational prognosis post-therapy outcome in breast cancer.
Breast cancer is one of the most common types of cancer in women worldwide. While advancements in medical research have led to improved treatments and survival rates, accurately predicting the progression and prognosis of breast cancer remains a significant challenge. Computational prognosis of breast cancer involves the use of advanced algorithms and machine learning techniques to analyze large amounts of clinical data to predict the progression of breast cancer and patient outcomes. In particular, deterministic models can be cast that are based on mathematical equations that describe the physical and biological processes underlying cancer growth and treatment. These models typically require a large amount of data, including patient-specific clinical and biological data, to calibrate and validate the model. Once the model is validated, it can be used to predict cancer growth and treatment outcomes for individual patients.
There are several reasons why the discipline of computational prognosis of breast cancer is important and should be studied and empowered in medical oncology:
-> Improved accuracy and personalized treatment: computational prognosis can provide more accurate predictions of disease progression and personalized treatment plans for individual patients.
->Patient stratification: computational prognosis can help identify patients who should be treated with a given neoadjuvant therapy in a given time window, depending on the personal burden and the risk of developing breast cancer with may be surgically removed with more impactful ways.
-> Accelerating research: computational prognosis can help accelerate the pace of medical research by providing a tool for analyzing large amounts of clinical and computational data.
-> Better resource allocation: accurate predictions of disease progression and patient outcomes can help allocate medical resources more effectively and efficiently.
Please browse about the specific website for this project, that we have cast: virtualcancercure.com.
Here you find our Technology Offer within the Enterprise Europe Network.
Attività Didattica
Nell'ambito della Laurea Magistrale in Ingegneria Meccanica (LM-33), CFDNOVA è il corso di Fenomeni di trasporto (9 CFU), descritto qui. Il corso ha un libro di testo, la cui prefazione è disponibile qui. Gli Errata Corrige possono essere scaricati qui (v0) e qui (v1).
Within the Master's Degree program in Mechanical Engineering (LM-33), CFDNOVA consists in the course on Transport Phenomena (9 CFU credits), described here. Course textbook's preface can be downloaded here. Errata Corrige are available here (v0) and here (v1).
Elenco alcuni Progetti eseguiti dagli Allievi. Il Progetto può essere riformulato in Tesi di Laurea approfondendolo ed predisponendo per inviarlo ad una rivista internazionale.
List of some Projects carried out to by Students. A Project can be upgraded into Graduation Thesis work, by studying it in more depth and setting for publication to an international journal.
List of some Projects carried out to by Students. A Project can be upgraded into Graduation Thesis work, by studying it in more depth and setting for publication to an international journal.
Attività di Ricerca @ ModProLab
CFDNOVA fornisce supporto alle imprese che operano nei settori bio-fisico (sia industriale che ambientale) ...
... mediante l’utilizzo della tecnologia modellativa della Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) combinando le competenze trasversali dell'ingegneria meccanica, chimica, delle tecnologie alimentari e biotecnologiche. In questo modo, offriamo servizi personalizzati in grado di migliorare la qualità dei prodotti, ridurre tempi e costi di processo, e progettare impianti innovativi: in altre parole, CFDnova opera nell’ambito della progettazione ed ottimizzazione della triade Prodotti, Processi e Impianti dell'azienda cliente.
La tecnologia modellativa della CFD rappresenta uno strumento indispensabile e consolidato per l'analisi e la progettazione in numerosi settori industriali. Oggi, la CFD può divenire un'importante opportunità da sfruttare nell'innovazione di queste industrie.
I nostri servizi sono:
Modellazione multifisica multidimensionale: creazione di modelli personalizzati ad-hoc che consentono di analizzare, regolare, controllare prodotti, processi ed impianti industriali tramite la descrizione dei principi fisici, chimici e biologici coinvolti nei processi industriali.
Prototipazione e scale-up: progettazione e messa a punto di innovativi processi ed impianti in scala di laboratorio, tenendo in conto delle particolari complessità di ogni substrato (struttura, composizione, forma, attività biologica, cambi di fase, ecc.) e dei relativi processi produttivi (flusso di fluidi, processi multi-stadio, variabilità e uniformità).
Implementazioni industriali e follow-up: progettazione, sviluppo, realizzazione e verifica del funzionamento di processi, impianti industriali nuovi e pre-esistenti al fine di migliorarne l’efficienza. Analisi integrata delle variabili di processo, della qualità del prodotto e della relativa sicurezza.
Here you find a list of recent publications from the Modeling and Prototyping Lab. CFDNOVA employs the main open and commercial solvers ...
... (OpenFOAM, ANSYS Fluent, Comsol Multiphysics) for transport phenomena modeling, and multiobjective optimizations (modeFRONTIER). Within the Dept. of Engineering, the Modeling and Prototyping Multiphysics Laboratory (ModProLAB) carries our computational resources and a few ongoing experiments. The experiments run as validations of the related numerical modeling.
Whenever possible, we strive to parallel our Modeling with Prototypes, or lab-scale benches. A great deal of processes around us involve physical, as well as chemical and biological effects, and useful numerical description can be tried with our technology. Modeling is exactly the virtual representation of these numerous occurrences.
CFDNOVA competences can be found in the following:
Fluidodynamics and Transport Phenomena in general
Processes with enhanced localized heat/mass convection by jet impingement: we have a running experimental rig
Air fluidized bed, in controlled temperature: we have a running experimental rig
Plants (channel, valves) for non-newtonian fluid flows
Sloshing in/pouring from tanks and vessel
Atmospheric Boundary Layer calculations, including aerosol/odour transport
Ventilation in enclosures, including aerosol diffusion and convection (i.e. COVID-19 scenarios)
Automotive applications of Shape Memory Alloys for dynamic alterations of body details to obtain Cx decrements
Food, Energy and Water nexus
Multiphase/phase change systems, even in presence of biological/chemical reactions
Thermal Analysis
Conduction-Convection-Radiation, even in intertwined modes
Multiphysics Phenomena
Microwave-assisted processes, such as water or Volatile Organic Compounds separation from substrates: we have a running experimental rig
Ultrasound-coupled thermal analysis
Energy Analysis
Cogeneration, Trigeneration
Microgeneration, involving refuse and biomass
Insertion of green energy in industrial frameworks
Thermoelectricity: we have a running experimental rig
Technical-economic feasibility
Entropy-based optimization in flow systems and solid structures
Processes to/in Bio-Substrates
Dehydration/drying: we have a running experimental rig
Computational prognosis of solid tumors from diagnostic images: Hepatocellular carcinoma, Non-Hodgkin lymphoma, Breast cancer
Neurotoxic and carcinogen formation in foods, depending on the process features
Thermal treatments to biofluids: pasteurization, sterilization. Heat exchanger fouling
Refrigeration and flash freezing
Quality and safety indicator departure in foods and bio-fluids subject to thermal treatments or storage
Applications of controlled/modified atmosphere packaging of bio-substrates
Algae and crustacean substrate treatments for alginate or chitosan production in circular economy frameworks
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